Closing of the Hips Ceremony



A "Closing of the Bones" ceremony is used to acknowledge the immense shifts a birthing person goes through during pregnancy and childbirth. Physically, it helps to gently guide the bones back into place, helps pelvic organs shift, and stimulates blood flow. Energetically, it serves to assist in bringing spirit back into the birthing person’s body. This ritual may also be performed several years after birth and even to those that have gone through a life changing experience while holding the same beneficial results.



·Sessions last about 2hrs

·We prepare a soothing tea or atole and the session begins with you sharing your birth story

·We offer comfort womb wellness touch with the application of herbal oils and the use of the rebozo.

·When time for the closing we use a rebozo to apply a tightening pressure from your toe to head symbolically cocooning the body.

·the client only needs to wear loose clothing and bring an open heart.

We also offer herbal slap baths and steaming for additional postpartum care during the ceremony if requested.


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